kyle and kim called me this afternoon while they were at the underwater aquarium that's at the harbour in victoria. i only haven't seen either of them since friday but damn do i miss them! the day kim and i live in different cities will be the start of something... that i don't realllly want to think about. today i back and forth listened to motion city soundtrack and aesop rock. i've recently re-discovered motion city soundtrack. i used to love that band... they're not good... but i like them. i think i'm in a phase with them because listening to them reminds me of a few summers ago when i would be waiting at the bus stop on fuuucccking... 6th ave and 9th street or thereabouts and it'd be 6 or 7 am and downtown would be so fucking peaceful and beautiful. i'd sit there waiting and waiting for the bus after usually walking across the 10th street from kensington, just thinking about whatever happened the previous night or whatever. i don't even really remember, i just remember i was in a time when i all i did was have so much fun. summmer i miss you. i haven't actually listened to aesop rock in a long time before today as well, too long. i have to be in the right mood for that shit but when i am daaamn do i love it.
i can't remember if it was yesterday or this morning when i was lurking the internet and found the best few pairs of shoes i've seen in so long. i only looked at the collection for a couple minutes before needing to get off the computer... i wish i could remember who they were by. i'm sure i will soon. i hope. they were beautiful. maaaaan!
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