i'm copying this from liam's blog just because common! i hope that i'm in one of those cities at the right time to see this? it's weird. every city on the bill except for denver and washington dc are cities i consistently wish i could be in and go to. east coast, west coast. midway. my life is spread across the continent... it's always been like that too. everyone everywhere. if i go somewhere i have people that i can see and have amazing times with. it's great. i've built it for myself overn years and years. i get nostalgic about far away places too easily.
another thing i'm STEALING from goslett's blog... i haven't lurked his lately so now that i am i am discovering things i love. i'm exicted to see that boy in toronto in august.

with black jeans and black or white shoes? augh. give it to me.
last night after work i went to the embassy and sat and did bong hits with my babes. finally cody was existing in front of me. he is great. on sunday on mushrooms every time i thought about cody i was so happy. tyler is also great... he saved my life sunday... but actually. he saves my life regularly though... because he puts up with my not making sense talking and crazniess. aw. i love my friends.
i have an hour of time to kill right now... and blogging seems like an okay way to kill some of it?
tomorrow cole will finally be back in calgary for a night from tour. i'm so glad he'll be here because i miss him so much.
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