Sunday, November 15, 2009


aaaahha, last night was unreal. worked until 8:30, tyler comes to my work to go for a pint at the drum, so we do. then randomly go to billy and sarah's place in mission. as soon as we walked in the door billy hands us a big mug of mushroom tea, we both down it. we sit at billys place until probably midnight, getting drunk and hanging out. kyle lit his hand on fire, we watched fucked up youtube videos... i don't even know. i felt so great. then we went to the drum, danny was driving. got to the drum, so unreal. so many people were there. i thought it was going to be maybe a bit too overwhelming given my state of mind at the time, but i had so much fun. i was pretty fucking confused at some points but all i know is that i was stoked to be stoked, and i was stoked to see everyone there, and i was just happy and completely fucked haha. i thought so many things that people said to me were "quote of the night" status, hahahahaha. weird because even though i was at a busy bar super high and super drunk, i was thinking so clearly and thoroughly and figuring so much of what's been messing me up for the past bit. today my mind is kind of a jumble, and i know the next week will just consist of me sorting things out in my head sort of thing. you probably get it. i'm a little bit more positive already, i can feel it.. which is good. i needed it... so bad. ahh i just know now. i get it. i know what i need to do hahah.

by the way....

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