there are no more ways to escape and no more options that make it possible to distract. get distracted. i get distracted from the things that i should be thinking about, the things that'll make it better. fill up my days. fill up my mind with a daze. it always catches me off guard when things change so fast. give me 12 hours, i'll give you a new life. give me 24, i'll make you a whole new you. far away places are callllliinnnggg myyyyy naaaaaaaaame. far away placesssssss and i can't even make this city go to sleep - i can't make it wake up. i can't make sense of what goes through most people's heads. i need to think about what's best about the worst and i can't let myself see the ruts again. i can't help it but say what i say and mean what i think. i think? everything reminds me of something and everything around here knows how to remind me of those days. stop this now. move along.
i am alone because of the lack of a better world.
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