ALL I DO IS WORK... again. and again. and again and again and again. i'd rather it be like this then like something else? i think. at least i have money.
i'm at a sort of inbetween phase of a lot of stuff, i think. it always seems to come around and happen again, but it's always funny how the people you trust with your life one day can be the same ones to try and tear you down a few months later. i guess it doesn't always happen like that and it's never happened like this, but people change... a lot of people have changed, and so have i... and now i'm off to better places (which don't include you, you, you, or especially you,) and even though it's sort of startling i'm more than fine with it... i'm even coming to prefer it. everything sucks but everything is BEAUTIFUL.
on a sad note, mik moves in 19 days. auuuuuuuugh what. what am i going to do.
BUT, on a really, really, realllllly good note, i see simone in a matter of hours.
on another good note, i have now have a couch (thanks to dom), and an un-built coffee table... but it's still a coffee table. getting my life a little bit more together is really good.
sometimes i think i should say fuck it, suck it up and move but then i realize that it's not this city that i have a problem with, man, it's not even a lot of the people, it's just SOME people and the fact that getting stuck in routines can = boredom and frustration and the same old thing... so i guess you just gotta learn to sort of look past that and appreciate.
i'm ranting, i'm on my break at deville. tonight is living legends at republikkkkkkkkkk!
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