Friday, December 4, 2009


i don't even know how today happened. woke up, puked from being so hungover?, battled the snow on my trek to work, tried to eat subway, went to work... worked alone... completley alone... alll day until 5:00... with no music because i have no ipod or anything. treked again in the elements back to bridgeland... now i'm sitting at home eating chinese food doing bong hits and am ACTUALLY going to pack all my shit up tonight. there is a legitimate blizzard outside.
last night was fun though. pretty much sat and drank and watched dana exist for the better part of about three hours. somehow got completley fucked up. went to hifi? so fucked whenever we go to hifi... but always so funny. saw lisa gaulin for the first time in like 5 years. so great. somehow got home. passed the fuck out.
i feel like i cant speak/type real words/sentences i haven't talked to anyone but atomic customers all day..

i move tomorrow/sunday. what the fuuuuuuuuuck

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