Wednesday, June 17, 2009


kim and i have a house in bridgeland! WE HAVE A HOUSE. WE. HAVE. A. HOUSE. I hope everyone is as impressed with us as we are with ourselves... because face it... we're both lazy stoners who sometimes have a hard time... getting shit done hahahaha. but it's done! we have a house. i love my beautiful best friend because she worked hard and put a lot of effort into the house hunting despite everything else going on. seriously. she's something else.

i'm excited because now i can LET myself be excited for two weeks from now and i can be excited to buy things and build a home. i feel good about it/everything.

it's wednesday night and i'm going to get baked then go to a movie with chrissy.
tomorrow i have doctors, hair cut, kims work then maybe goooooooood plans. you know? you know.
today i watched deadliest catch for sooooo long, fuck, why do i even watch tv. hahahahahaha..

but seriously! ahhhh!

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