Friday, June 12, 2009

flowers on your bedside table

it's weird going to work every day and not know everything about my job and not knowing exactly what to do all the time and the weirdest thing is not being everyone else's boss and making bubble tea instead of lattes. hahaha. i'm okay with it.

things i need to learn how to do better... like without thinking about it. a u t o m a t i c :
not let myself get stressed out. i think if i do this... actually do this... my life will improve greatly. not that it's already not good but... you know. stress makes you crazy. i'm a little crazy right now. ah.

oh yeah... it's FRIDAY. and it's BEAUTIFUL OUTSIDE. which means i'm going to be wasted and having a good night. marlee's birthday party is tonight! and maybe drum lurk might be in the plans as well. and after party at my house because well... i have a good house.

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