Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Holy eyes were watching us as we dug and dug and dug and all those flowers surrounding created shadows all around us. I remember not remembering what colour your eyes were just for a second and I wonder how many other things I forgot about you. Short lived and sweet is all I can ever really say anymore. Stretch up your arms and make an impression. I will search for you and destroy you when I find you, and I will find you. Ghostly imprints on my mind, all over my skin like traces of those who were never really there for you anyway. To start with. Or something. 'What'd you like most about this morning?' 'waking up and thinking I was alone then opening my eyes and seeing your lonely soul sleeping beside me.' ugh I'll put a few more words in your mouth when I'm ready but for now have that patience and virtue that all those masses taught us all so well. I'm kidding. Today I somehow reached a sort of solace with myself and that around me. Despite your need for attention I'll still sit quietly because that's how it is I just don't care. I'll worry about myself and love the people around me and be one with everything worth anything which I decide is important. There always are exceptions.

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