Saturday, December 26, 2009

damn boyyyyieieieieee

it's my birthdaaaay! i don't really care about my birthday... but i guess it's sweet anyway in it's own way because i went out for birthday lunch with my entire family then went shopping and got birthday discounts/free things! aka dear group seven... thank you for treating me way better than i deserve, you guys are actually the best.
actually now that i think about it my day has been really good. woke up grumpy for no reason, but then danny stopped by and put me in such a good mood! then i got delicious korean food with my family! then went shopping, only ended up going to group. then went home, now i'm home, lenny and declan just stopped by! and then tonight i work which kiiiind of sucks but whatever because my job is sweet.
ALSO tomorrow i get sarah pester!! and then monday is me and kims birthday party at the hop! which will be suuuch a good night, i can feel it.
yay friends yay family yay clothes yay life. ... basically.

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