Thursday, June 11, 2009

figuring myself out

i'm really really good at not really getting attached to anything/anyone... i view a lot of things has being almost... tangible. i don't know if this is a good thing or not. it keeps me from getting hurt, it keep me happy and having fun and not really giving a shit. but i don't know. sometimes it's good to let your guard down more than you're used to. i don't know. human relationships... and human nature and instinct and lifestyle and everything is so strange sometimes, and so intense, and so completely just... i don't know. such an integral part of life... without human interaction and the ability for people and organism to communicate the world would be a very different place. obviously. or if our main form of communication wasn't verbal... if you "talked" to people through mind power and shit. if anything was different from how it is now in this current time... the present... so many other things would be so different. the littlest things affect absolutely everything in some way. OR the other day i was thinking about how little space human civilization actually takes up. trees seem big, buildings seem big, mountains seem big, oceans seem deep... but think about how FAR away the end of earth's atmosphere is... and then beyond that... infinity. maaaaan. space blows my mind. a few weeks ago kim and i were sitting on the stoop of the embassy at night and we talked about how the moon is always there... we see it, not really think about what it actually is. another planet that we can see from our planet. and stars. how far they are... not on EARTH. except for people who've been to space... the human race knows NOTHING about what it is to be off of the earth. there is so much more out there on planets other than earth. wrapping your head around the magnitude of ... everythingggg. abahfgbdsgf.

its too late for me to be awake on a wednesday night!

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