Sunday, June 7, 2009


all day i've been on and off watching mystery/murder/crime solving shows on tv. a few have been about serial killers. a few have been about just fucked up crazy graphic homicides. what the fuck, haha. think of the mind set someone would have to somehow get themselves in being a serial murderer. one killed like 80 hookers and didn't get caught for 20 years, he had a completely normal life with a family and house and career... but he was... a serial hooker murderer. hahaha. but you must have to have such a fucking intense mind and thought process and life if you murdered people. that shit is fuuuuuucked up!
this weekend it's been raining pretty much constantly but that's okay, i don't really mind it. i love rain... so much. on friday kim ayla and i predrank at ayla's apartment then walked to pretty much marda loop to flyod/dave/susie/ryan/i think/whoever else's house warming party. such a big nice weird weird house. it was fun. then kim and i went to the drum and me her kyle scott and blake ended up back at kims place all night. somehow scott disappeared for three hours then showed up with no idea of where he was. we thought he had called a cab. but at 5am he walked into the apartment, hahahaha. sooo confused. soooo great. hahaha. all day i lounged then got dinner and embassy lurked for a while. i was so lazy tonight. i just wanted to sit around and smoke weed, haha. or go to a movie. i want to go to a really good movie soon.
saying things backwards still makes me laugh way too hard then it should. i wish the acting in twilight was good because if that movie was actually done well it could have potential to be super epic.
i'm excited for east coast in a couple months from now. coming up soon. will be the best tiiiiiime. kelllllllly!!!!!!!

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